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How To Move A Vst Plugin To Another Computer

2021. 5. 27. 08:19카테고리 없음

The Roland Cloud has a lot of good points, with some very cool, retro synths to enjoy.

Just copying the.dll files wont do much since you wont have registries and component folders of each plugin. There is however a way where you just clone your current computer drive (the whole windows partition) onto another computer drive. Dedicate one computer to running VST instruments while recording audio tracks on another. If you need lots of audio tracks, you may simply add tracks on another computer. You could have one computer serve as a “virtual effect rack”, running CPU-intensive send effect plug-ins only.

However, there seems to currently be a flaw in the software and that is you can't currently (October 2017) keep the content you download on an external drive. We have searched high and low on the Roland FAQs and other forums and it seems there is currently no option for it.

If you start to take advantage of the Roland Cloud the content soon starts to add up and many of us like to keep our content on separate drives.

How To Move Your Roland Cloud Instruments To Another Drive - Mac

A workaround for this current oversight by Roland is to create an alias and then point the Roland plug-ins to it.

  • To do this locate the Roland content, found in your application support folder /Library/Application Support/Roland Cloud
  • Open the Roland Cloud folder and select all the content and then CMD drag it to a new folder on your external drive with the name Roland Cloud. Once that has completed then make an alias of the new folder by right mouse clicking on the folder.
  • Copy the alias to the Application Support folder.
  • Rename the old (and now empty) original Roland Cloud folder 'Roland Cloud Old.'
  • Then rename the alias 'Roland Cloud' making sure the word alias is removed.
  • Open your DAW and test everything is working fine. We have and it all seems OK.
How to move a vst plugin to another computer screen

A couple of things to note, when you open the Roland Cloud Manager it will tell you nothing is installed, but it is. You may also have to authorise your synths again but after that, all should be good.

How To Move A Vst Plugin To Another Computer Wirelessly

Windows Users

How To Move A Vst Plugin To Another Computer Windows 10

If you are a Windows user and know how to do this in Windows let us know and we'll post it.

How To Move A Vst Plugin To Another Computer Remotely

We hope this is a temporary solution and that Roland will allow Cloud users to move their libraries to other locations.