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Lol Trials Challenge Heal More Than 7500 Dmg

2021. 5. 22. 00:07카테고리 없음

Lol trials challenge heal more than 7500 dmg free

It does super nice damage but for instance Viktor can do that as well and then have the ult DoT on them and a really low cd q to spam which is much stronger than LeBlancs. In a 5 second period the Viktor would do much more damage than the LeBlanc simply because after the initial burst he can burst again very fast thanks to his cooldowns. Culture Here you’ll find all sorts of discussions related to playing League of Legends. From discussing your personal strategies, to speculating about the next patch, or what item to buy on your new favourite champion - if it's about playing the game, it goes here! Mar 04, 2013  WW is also weak these days he has no real gapcloser or cc that he can use more than once a fight. (no timing it or anything), simple heal that makes you safe at the same time, E that is as complicated as his ulti. Simple kit for simple champ. You start ulti and E for bonus AS and dmg use alpha on enemy and rush into battle, you.

Lol Trials Challenge Heal More Than 7500 Dmg Free

I'm like level 4 or 5 or something right now, i've played couple of bot games and PvP games. A friend of mine told me to use mobafire or solomid for my item builds and that's what i've been doing. I've also tried to just take a random champion i've never played with and try to build items by myself without guides (I don't like reading guides while i'm playing the game so i want to learn to build items myself).
So... The champions changed this week and my first pick was Lulu. I first started as a support, getting the gold gain item, then the sightward etc. etc. Then at one point in the game, the other guy in the bot lane told me to get some damage items. So i went back to shop, and thought 'The auto attack is magic and my abilities are magic, so i need to get Ability Power items.... Right?'. So i buy the AP items and go back to my lane. Then the other guy just lol'd and told me to buy AD items instead of AP. Why? Doesn't AD increase physical damage? And not magic damage? Or are the Lulu attacks physical? It just doesn't make any sense to me. I went back to pretty much full support after that.
So my first question is pretty much that. How do i know if i should buy AD or AP items? Since apparently mages use AD items too.
My other question is, how do i know if i should buy attack speed items or critical strike or life steal or armor/magic penetration items etc. for [insert champion name here]?
And the last question is How do i know when health is more important than armor/magic resist or vice versa?